Well, folks, we’re almost through January, and you know what that means—time for another check-in on how my no-spend challenge is going. If you recall, I decided to kick things up a notch this month. While I have a list of items I won’t be purchasing all year, this month’s challenge has been a bit more strict—no nonessential purchases. That’s right. If it’s not gas, groceries, or bills, it’s a no.
Last time, I took you on a rollercoaster of cosmic chaos, where the universe seemed determined to make my life as difficult as possible. But this time? The universe must’ve decided to take a chill pill and give me a break because it has been a much smoother ride.
So how’s it going? Let’s dive in.
The Quest for Running Shoes
Let’s start with an exciting planned purchase that I made: running shoes. Was this an essential item? Not exactly, but it was an exception I mapped out ahead of time because I have vowed to get back into running this year. Why? Because I used to run for fun before I became a full-time toddler wrangler. Now, the only running I do is when I ask my 2-year-old what’s in his mouth and he takes off faster than a caffeine-fueled squirrel. But I’ve got big dreams of running a half-marathon by the end of the year, and for that, I need actual running shoes.
Now, I could’ve bought them online, but where is the fun in that? No, I decided to make this an experience. So, off I went to a local running store to get fitted.
But wait. On my way there, I passed one of my favorite coffee shops. The old me would have swerved in like a racecar driver and gotten a caramel latte that I absolutely didn’t need. But nope! I waved, said a silent goodbye, and drove past. That’s right—I resisted the urge. This is what growth looks like, people.
At the store, things got even better. There were a few other folks getting fitted for shoes and a lone employee running around like a true superhero helping us all. While practicing taking turns like we were back in Kindergarten, sitting side by side on a single, tiny bench, we all ended up besties. After all, nothing says friendship like forced proximity and waiting your turn! We talked running tips, shoe opinions, and even some questionable life choices. By the end of the experience, I walked out with a shiny new pair of running shoes and felt like I’d rejoined the running cult. It was magical.
But as I was leaving, I passed my favorite bakery. You know, the one where I usually buy a dozen cookies to “share” with my kids, but really, I eat them all. But guess what? I didn’t even look at it. Nope. No cookies for me. I was strong.
Then came lunch. Ohhh, lunch. The thought of driving through a fast food joint and devouring a mountain of fries in peace sounded glorious. But no. I fought the urge like a gladiator. I picked up my toddler from preschool, went home and ate leftover taco soup with tortilla chips, set my fancy new running shoes in their place, and smiled.
Victory? Yes.
The Great Snow Debacle
So, here’s the thing: I live in San Antonio, Texas, where it’s 95% the temperature of Hades and 5% pleasant. But last week? There was a chance of snow. It was a 60% chance, but that was enough to send a mother into full-on panic mode because…SNOW CLOTHES. Guess what? I don’t own them. At all. Because, ya know, I live in San Antonio, Texas.
The snow was coming, and I had to get my kids snow boots and snow gloves. They needed them. This was an emergency. And for hours, I scrolled Amazon in a frenzy, trying to find affordable snow gear that wouldn’t break the bank. My heart rate was rising. I was stressed. I mean, was this a “necessary” purchase? They’d only need it for one day! But I don’t want them to be miserable in the cold and not experience the fun of snow! WHAT DO I DO?!!
After an intense meditation session in my bedroom (to avoid spiraling into a financial panic attack), I talked with some friends, and they all told me: No. Just use what you have. So I did.
It did indeed snow. My kids wore their puffy jackets, regular old knitted gloves, rain boots, and a double layer of socks and ventured outside to play in the powdery frost like little winter warriors. And guess what? They had an absolute blast, no one got frostbite, and I didn’t spend a dime.

The snow-induced near panic attack was also a breakthrough moment for me. Experiencing that level of hysteria over whether or not to purchase something made me realize that living within these boundaries has actually reduced my decision fatigue. Outside of the great snow debacle, I haven’t been spending time agonizing over whether I should buy things or not. The answer is always just no. And that has made my life so much simpler.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
When Dragons Call, Rules Don’t Apply

If you are a fantasy reader, you know that a huge thing happened this week. Onyx Storm–a book with dragons, magic, and romance that many of us have been itching to read was finally released. Did I buy it? Yep. Was it an essential purchase? Not even a little bit. Did it qualify as a necessary purchase in any way, shape, or form? Nope. Do I regret this decision? Also, no.
But here’s the thing: I had already pre-ordered this book months ago when I was still in a more lenient mindset about my spending rules. So, when I set about this no-spend challenge, this book was a pre-planned exception. I’m simply honoring my commitment to 2024-me who has been patiently awaiting the dragons, the drama, and the inevitable cliffhanger.
My spirit needs this, people. A little dragon fantasy never hurt anyone, right? Let me have my moment of escapism!
The First Haircut (I’m Basically a Barber Now)
My toddler’s curly hair had grown to epic proportions. It was starting to resemble a bird’s nest that had been recently attacked by a windstorm. Don’t get me wrong, I love those little curls, but they were getting to be a little…unmanageable. So, after some thought, I made the decision: it was time for his first haircut.
Instead of taking him to a professional (because who wants to spend money on a haircut when you can just… wing it?), I thought, “Why not just learn how to cut it myself? I’ve managed to cut my dog’s hair, surely a toddler won’t be that different!” Famous last words, right? After watching a few—you know, dozen—YouTube tutorials on how to cut curly boy hair (because nothing screams “confidence” like learning from strangers on the internet), I was ready to tackle this mane head-on.

Armed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on repeat and a lollipop to keep him calm and distracted (mostly), I dove in with my handy dandy dog grooming kit (it’s all the same, right?). Naturally, there were a few… shall we say, “artistic decisions” along the way. One snip was a little too ambitious, getting a bit too close to the scalp. Another was more of a “let’s experiment and see what happens” situation. But here’s the magic of curly hair—it’s like nature’s built-in Photoshop. It just blends. Who’s going to notice that one spot that’s a little shorter than the rest? Nobody, that’s who. He’s two, and let’s be honest, he’s like a blender on high speed—constantly moving and never turning off. By the time anyone notices, he’ll have already shaken his way into a brand-new hairstyle, probably one involving mashed potatoes and a dramatic face plant.
In the end, I saved a small fortune by not taking him to a salon (I mean, seriously, do toddlers really need to get their hair professionally cut?), and he ended up with a pretty cute little haircut. His curls are still intact, and I’m pretty sure no one can tell where I may have “accidentally” gone a little scissor-happy. Plus, he got a lollipop out of it, which is more than I can say for the dog after I gave him a questionable trim this month.
All in all, a success!
Conclusion: Less is More
In a nutshell, these last few weeks have been a victory in frugality and self-discipline. I’ve managed to spend intentionally rather than impulsively and make do with what I have, all while making progress toward my personal goals and enjoying some fun moments with my kids. And guess what? I’m in a pretty good mood most of the time because I’m not overwhelmed by spending decisions anymore.
So how’s it going for you guys? Are you embracing the no-spend life? Let me know—I’m always here to cheer you on!
“You want to get to the point where when there’s a storm…you can fly above it.”
-Dave Ramsey