Alright, 2025 is my year to kick consumerism in the face with my no-spend challenge. For the month of January, I’ve sworn off anything that isn’t absolutely essential—only bills, groceries, and gas. The universe, clearly not a fan of my goals, is definitely plotting my demise already. But I’m still here, staying focused and disciplined. Here’s how it’s going so far:
Cuckoo for Coffee
Day two into this no-spend challenge, and I was already scheming a way to justify buying a new Keurig. Not just any Keurig, though—a super fancy one that makes iced coffee, because clearly, buying a $100 machine is going to save me so much money in the long run by preventing me from buying iced coffee at coffee shops. I mean, it’s practically an investment. I’d also need a cute tumbler for my fancy new iced coffee routine, obviously. Thankfully, after typing all this out, I realized I sounded like a lunatic and added it to my shopping wish list instead. Victory—because I’m not a total disaster…yet
The Grocery Store Showdown
I usually do curbside pickup for groceries because it saves me from grabbing chips and impulse-buying candy like a sugar-deprived raccoon. But, of course, I forgot a couple things. So, like a fool, I bravely entered the store. As I stood in the checkout line, my eyes locked onto a Twix bar like it was the last piece of chocolate on Earth. I wanted it. I needed it. But, like a champion, I resisted the urge to throw it onto the conveyor belt. I did make eye contact with it, though, so we had a moment. But I walked away victorious—barely.
School Report Drama
My 10-year-old has to do a report on a nonfiction book about a living organism. Well, guess where you can find every nonfiction book about every living organism ever? AMAZON. Of course. I almost clicked purchase, but then my wise friends reminded me that if I ordered it from Amazon, despite the $80 credit I have sitting in my account, I’d be breaking my own rules on day…what, six? So, off to the library I went. After what felt like an eternity of searching (and questioning my life choices), we finally found a book that worked. Another win for me.
Eyebrow Pencil Crisis
Now, let’s talk about eyebrows. I don’t wear a ton of makeup, but I do need eyebrows in order to not look like a potato. So, after running out of eyebrow pencil, I made an executive decision: an $8 pencil is definitely an “essential.” It went right into my grocery order. I stand by this decision. You’re welcome, society.
Jeans Catastrophe
And then, in a truly dramatic turn of events, my thighs did what they do best: created a giant, gaping hole in the only pair of jeans that fit me. Of course, this sent me into full-on panic mode. How was I supposed to face the world without jeans? Was I going to have to resort to sweatpants for the rest of 2025? But fear not! A miracle occurred—my friend, who had just lost weight (bless her heart), had a stack of jeans in my size just waiting to be handed down. Crisis averted, no money spent, and I was able to keep my dignity (and my pants) intact. Thank you, denim fairy.
Disney+ Dilemma
My kids are OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse and Bluey. And you know what that means: I need a Disney+ subscription for my sanity. But wait—2025 means no new subscriptions! Cue the panic. How was I going to survive without endless Bluey episodes to pacify my children? Well, I almost caved and signed up. But then a miracle happened: a sweet, angelic friend offered to share her Disney+ account with us. I almost cried. Peace was restored.
The ACOTAR Chronicles: My Quest for Book Three
Alright, so I’ve officially fallen down the ACOTAR rabbit hole, and I’m currently on the edge of my seat, dying to dive into book three. First things first—if you haven’t read ACOTAR yet, stop what you’re doing, throw your phone away, and go get the first book. Trust me, your life will never be the same again. Go on, I’ll wait.
Okay, moving on. I just wrapped up book two and was all set to jump into the third. Naturally, I head to my local library like the bookish angel I am, ready to collect my next literary prize–because who doesn’t love the smell of library books and a good “I’m saving money!” moment?. But…plot twist! The library’s only hard copy of book three is lost. Gone. Vanished. Like a sock in the dryer. Just like that, my dreams are crushed.
Cue the dramatic music.
So, I think, “Okay, fine. I’ll just get the eBook.” Oh, but wait. Apparently, 65 other people are also clawing their way to the same digital treasure, so now I’m #66 on the waitlist. SIXTY-SIX. I’ll be older than the characters by the time I get to read this book.
It would’ve been so easy to just hop on Amazon and order it, but nope, not today, Satan. I’m not giving up that easily. This quickly turned into a game of “How Can I Find This Book For Free and Get My Hands on it ASAP?” So I started asking every fellow book lover I know if they had a spare copy. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
So, I resort to my secret weapon—Google. I find a nearby library with ONE copy available (cue choir of angels singing) and promptly drive there like I’m on a quest for the Holy Grail. I get a library card (because adulting means getting cards from every library, right?) and strut out of there victorious, clutching my prize.
It took blood, sweat, and a lot of caffeinated Googling, but the third book is now within my grasp. Life is good again.
Barnes and Noble Triumph
Once a month, I meet up with some fabulous friends to chat about books and steal a brief, glorious escape from my children. This month’s gathering spot? A Barnes and Noble. WITH a Starbucks inside. Translation: I voluntarily entered a magical land of books and caffeine and swore an oath not to buy either.
If you know me, you know this is like throwing a chocoholic into a Willy Wonka factory and saying “Just look, don’t touch.” But I came prepared. Armed with coffee from home, a steely resolve, and possibly divine intervention, I stepped into the store like a budget warrior.
We had an absolute blast discussing dragons, faeries, and other nerdy delights, and–wait for it–I walked out without spending a single penny. Zero. Nothing. Not even a bookmark. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this feat qualifies me for a gold medal in self-control. Someone call the history books; we’ve got a new chapter to write.
And Finally, The Great Lockout
This has absolutely nothing to do with my financial struggles, but it does perfectly showcase how the universe was trolling me this week. So, for your entertainment (and maybe to add a little extra chaos to your day) , please enjoy the latest chapter from The Chronicles of a Stressed Out Single Mom:
This week, my two-year-old learned how to lock doors. But not unlock them. Naturally.
I went outside to check on the dog, closed the door behind me (because I’m a responsible adult who doesn’t want a toddler in the freezing cold without shoes), and boom—the door was locked. My phone was inside. My toddler was staring out the window smiling and waving at me.
After an exhausting battle of trying to talk him through unlocking the door (spoiler: it didn’t work), I realized I would need to climb my fence in order to get out of my locked backyard and flag down a neighbor to call for help. My fence is tall. It’s flat. It’s a nightmare. I made it over, landed like a sack of potatoes, ran to my neighbors’ house to borrow their phone, and—15 minutes later—the cops were there, trying to figure out how to break into my house without causing a scene while I kept eyes on my toddler through a window trying to ensure he didn’t swallow any choking hazards or find the drawer with the sharp scissors inside.
Just as the police were about to call in the fire department to hack down my door, I remembered my dad has a spare key. Thank goodness, he was nearby and was able to come save the day.
The toddler was fine, and the only thing he consumed was dog toothpaste. Somehow, that felt like a win.
In Conclusion…
There have been hiccups, hurdles, and the universe is clearly plotting against me—but I’m still here, focused, disciplined, and, keeping my money to myself.
Here’s to the rest of January!
2 responses to “13 Days Into 2025: How the Universe is Trying to Sabotage My No-Spend Challenge (and Failing)”
Keep it up Aryn! Helping me stay the course and keep my eyes on Jesus.
He is in every detail! The Big, The Small, The Messy!
Walking with God and our community
Romans 8:28
G>∧∨ 🙌🏼🙏🏼
Whew!!! You are doing it!! Love following along…