The Mission Mom

Single Mom. Single Income. Single Mission.

To build a future of prosperity, peace, and possibility

2025 Goals and No-Spend Challenge: A Year of Hope, Hustle, and Hilarious Restraint

It’s official: 2025 is the year I stop playing financial whack-a-mole and start running my life like the CEO of My Own Dang Money, Inc. (That’s a real company now. Don’t Google it.) 2024 was full of lessons (and probably too many Amazon purchases), but 2025 is going to be the year I master discipline, crush my goals, and avoid those “Did I really need this?” moments at the check-out. Spoiler: I didn’t.

I’ve got big plans for my finances, health, and sanity–and a no-spend challenge to keep me on track. Let’s dive into what I’m working on this year–because accountability is key, and oversharing on the internet is free.

Financial Goals

They say money doesn’t buy happiness, but I’d argue it buys stability, peace of mind, and the occasional pizza night without guilt–so yeah, kind of important. I’m aiming for the trifecta of financial freedom this year: paying off a significant chunk of debt, saving money, and being so organized even my spreadsheets will blush.

  1. Pay off $27,000 in debt.

Yep, $27,000. I know, it’s basically the cost of a new car or a semester at Hogwarts, but I’m determined to slay the beast, one payment at a time.

Paying off debt is like battling a massive, fire-breathing dragon that’s been hoarding my gold and laughing at me from its pile of unpaid bills. Every payment I make is like swinging my (slightly dull) sword, chipping away at its smug scales. Some days it feels like the dragon just shrugs and grows another head–hello, interest charges–but I’m determined to take it down.

If I want to be debt-free within five years (and I do; I really, really do), then this is a beast I must defeat. I might be sweaty, broke, and fueled solely by coffee, but that beast doesn’t stand a chance. One day soon, I’ll stand victorious on its defeated carcass, holding my treasure…and maybe a celebratory latte.

(Did anyone else read too much fantasy in 2024? Fourth Wing, anyone?)

2. Save $7,200 in an emergency fund.

I know, it’s an oddly specific number. My ultimate goal in the next five years is to have a fully-funded emergency fund that could cover 6 months of living expenses. If I want to meet that goal, this is what I need to put toward it each year. Why an emergency fund, you ask?

Because life happens. Kids launch themselves off treadmills and leave holes in the wall that suddenly make you consider a career in drywall repair (or is that just my kid?). You hit 34, and boom–lactose intolerance decides to crash the party. One innocent bowl of cereal later, you’re in the ER with stomach pain worse than labor, hooked up to an IV of morphine and muscle relaxers, learning the hard way that dairy is now your mortal enemy (oh, and ER visits? Not cheap, even with insurance). And just when you think it can’t get worse, your dog channels her inner garbage disposal and scarfs down double her bodyweight in dark chocolate brownies. Cue another emergency trip–this time to the vet–where you spend your entire life savings just to make her throw up and live to see another day.

(Yes, all of these things actually happened. Pray for me.)

Needless to say, I’m building this cushion so I’m not sweating every unexpected expense like it’s a pop quiz I didn’t study for.

3. Build sinking funds.

I’m setting aside money for all the things that sneak up on me faster than my kids when I try to eat chocolate alone:

  • Car Maintenance: $1,200 by April 9th (Because apparently cars don’t run on good vibes)
  • Pet Expenses: $1,200 by April 9th (Please refer to brownie story above.)
  • Travel: $1,000 by December 3rd (Maybe one day I’ll get to vacation somewhere other than my backyard.)
  • Back-to-School: $250 by March 12th (The kids deserve fresh supplies, not half-chewed pencils from 2024.)
  • Halloween: $250 by March 12th (Because creativity only goes so far before you just need to buy the dang thing.)
  • Birthdays: $500 each for Caleb and Ava (I love them, but I’m not Chuck E. Cheese.)
  • Christmas: $1,000 by September 10th (Santa’s workshop doesn’t offer layaway.)

While my wallet gets a makeover, I’m also working on a little self-reconstruction. Here’s what’s on the docket for 2025:

  1. Lose 50 pounds.

I gained a LOT of weight during my pregnancy with Caleb, and I am still working to get it all off. I lost 50 pounds last year, and it’s time to finish what I started. This year, I’m trading late-night snacks for my running shoes (but if chocolate goes on sale, I might rethink my strategy).

2. Run a half-marathon.

Fun fact: I used to run for fun. Then I had Caleb, and the only running I’ve done since is after him in parking lots. This year, I’m reclaiming my runner’s high–hopefully without gasping too much.

3. Read 50 books.

My TBR list is longer than the line at Costco on a Saturday. This year, I’m tackling 50 books. I’m going to be so well-read that Goodreads might need a new server just to handle my updates.

The No-Spend Challenge

Now, let’s talk about the spicy part of 2025: the no-spend challenge. The goal? Stop buying stuff I don’t need and focus on what truly matters. Here’s what’s on my “Nope, Not Buying That” list this year:

  1. Clothes for me Until I hit my goal weight–and then those thrift shops better watch out!
  2. Clothes for Ava and Caleb Unless their growth spurts demand it; kids are sneaky like that.
  3. Shoes for me Except running shoes; can’t skimp there.
  4. Shoes for Ava and Caleb Unless someone’s toes are hanging out.
  5. Jewelry The Target clearance rack will miss me.
  6. Apps and in-app purchases Candy Crush can survive without me.
  7. New subscriptions Shout out to all my friends and family who have given me profiles on their streaming accounts.
  8. Craft supplies My unfinished projects are judging me.
  9. Food delivery Goodbye, DoorDash, my old frenemy.
  10. Grocery delivery Unless I’m super sick–because when your body’s staging a rebellion, the delivery fee feels like a small price to pay.
  11. Home decor I don’t need more throw pillows; I need therapy.
  12. Home organization tools I’ve already mastered the art of “everything in its place” –it’s just that some places are slightly more random than others.
  13. Movies/shows My kids already provide an endless supply of drama, plot twists, and unplanned cliffhangers–free of charge.
  14. Makeup, skincare, and hair products Unless I run out, and then only the basics–bye-bye, impulse buys.
  15. Manicures, pedicures, and nail polish DIY is the vibe now.
  16. Candles and waxes I’ll just light my hopes and dreams instead.
  17. Blankets, pillows, and bedding Except for Caleb’s toddler bed transition…although how long is it ethically acceptable to keep your kid in a crib? Sleep training is like trying to negotiate with a tiny, tired dictator.
  18. Kitchen appliances Unless something breaks–goodbye, smoothie blender, you served me well.
  19. Dishes Unless my current ones stage a mass exodus.
  20. Toys Except Caleb’s Lovevery subscription, birthdays/holidays, or if the kids gang up on me.
  21. Books Except the three already preordered–no judgment, okay?
  22. Plants I’ve already got a thriving collection of low-maintenance items–like dust bunnies and laundry piles. They’re not green, but they’re definitely living.
  23. Electronics My current ones are slow, outdated, and full of quirks, but they get the job done.
  24. Dog sweaters My dogs already have a collection that could rival any fashionista’s wardrobe.
  25. Dog grooming I can do it myself. Sure, my technique is more “DIY Disaster” than “Professional Stylist,” but my dog’s just happy to survive the experience.

Why This Matters

This year isn’t just about cutting back–it’s about reshaping my habits, finding joy in what I already have, and prioritizing long-term goals over short-term gratification. Every dollar I save and every purchase I rethink gets me closer to the life I want for myself and my kids.

Join Me

If you’re setting goals or doing a no-spend challenge of your own, let me know in the comments! Let’s cheer each other on and swap tips for staying strong when Target’s Dollar Spot tries to lure us in.

Here’s to a 2025 full of wins, laughter, and slightly fewer Amazon packages!

16 responses to “2025 Goals and No-Spend Challenge: A Year of Hope, Hustle, and Hilarious Restraint”

  1. Kaitlyn Avatar

    I believe in you! I can’t wait to follow you on your journey! You are an inspiration to me! I’m going to take a hard look at my finances and try to do the same!

    1. Aryn Avatar
  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Woohoo!!! Love this and, of course, I believe in you!!

    1. Aryn Avatar

      <3 <3 <3

  3. Brenda Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! I am all in! I have college to pay for!

    1. Aryn Avatar

      Are you paying cash? Most of my debt is student loans!

  4. Alex Avatar

    I’m right there with you with a lot of your goals; financial, personal, etc. love you friend, and we can do this!

    1. Aryn Avatar
  5. Marci Avatar

    I LOVE this and can’t wait to follow your journey, and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way. Thank you, love you.

    1. Aryn Avatar

      So glad you are here!

  6. Colleen Ramones Avatar
    Colleen Ramones

    Hilarious the whole way through! That’s how we are going to cope this year!

    1. Aryn Avatar

      Humor and hustle!

  7. Rita Avatar

    You can do it! I get made fun of for being so frugal (have never had a manicure bc I can do it just fine, I very rarely buy a book and will literally wait months for it to be available at the library, etc). But you’re right, it’s not a temporary thing… it’s a lifestyle. Also a big one is I make my coffee every morning at home. I can count on 2 hands the number of times I’ve bought fancy coffee this year. These little things add up, and hopefully will be keeping those dollars in your bank account!

    1. Aryn Avatar

      That is awesome! You inspire me!

  8. Kimberly Avatar

    This is FABULOUS and so well written. So proud of you indeed and love 💕 you very much. Great job. Can’t wait for the next update.

    1. Aryn Avatar

      Thank you! <3